UFQ AL-AQSA Aluminium Factory L.L.C Health and Safety Policy

UFQ AL-AQSA Administration recognizes the health and safety duties under the health and safety at work article (1) of the ministerial decree (32), and the international regulations and standards, all the staff to be responsible for complying with health and safety regulations at the company workplaces.

Our management proposes always to comply with its duties towards its employee's health and safety as reasonable and practicable to:

All employees of the company agree, as a term of their contract of employment, to comply with their individual duties the health and Safety at work Regulations. Failure to comply with health and safety duties, regulations, works rules and procedures regarding health and safety, on the part of any employee, can lead to dismissal from employment; in the case of serious breaches, or repeated breaches, such dismissal may be instant without prior warning.

We have identified some of the hazards that we encounter during our work and have outlined measures to reduce the risk to personnel, these hazards and measures are listed to help increase the employee's awareness of health and safety and to encourage them to question the procedures' used in order to maintain and improve standards.

Personal Protective equipment such as hard hats, gloves, protective shoes/boots, goggles, particle masks and high visibility clothing are all designed to protect our employees from various hazards. All available protective equipment must be used whenever necessary.

In compliance with the first Aid regulations, the company provides first aid cover in the event of an injury by maintaining first aid boxes everywhere.

Working on or visiting, other sites:

When working on other people sites this health and safety policy will be considered the mini-mum standard. Any site rules imposed by the client or the principal contractor will also apply if not already covered in this policy.